From now on forks are powder-coated
and an alternative mount of the disc brake caliper is available (on top of the leading link).
28" forks can be made and ordered!
I'm back from Italy. The fork proofed to work good while crossing the alps via Brenner and Zwirler Berg. The 180mm Disc worked with 135kg at a 4km 16% downhill. I also used it playing bike polo at Rome an Leipzig and participated at a alley cat race at Leipzig. (Of cause it's nonesense to use a suspension fork playing bike polo but it was the only bike available at the moment.)

Meet me at kulturellen Landpartie in Wendland (German region famous for hard struggle against nuclear waste dumping and traditionally doing culture these days), at Cyclo Camp and Ciemmona. Both events mentioned last are at Rome.
26" and 20" Gabeln can be ordered and shipped!
Easter update:
As you see on the pictures I replaced my ugly prototype with a nice looking series fork. I'm glad nothing bad happened with the prototype made from spare frame tubes and junk. The Tubing had too thin walls and the welding was done with a not really working machine. Anyway it worked for 5 years heavy duty use - including hitting on something in deep snow.
I was a little sloppy updating the English version of this page. Now here is the latest state of March, 2013
All parts are here. ;-) I got a free training for my TIG-Welding license, which will end on April 26th. After that I will do them completely on my own. My third party insurance does not want me to ship to the USA and Canada. Has anyone an idea or knows an importer who takes the risk? Some of the first batch can still be ordered and I don't know what the delivery time for the second batch will be.
Here is a picture of the parts. (The arc of the lever is not on the picture but I have them here (most expensive part of the fork)):
state of November 7, 2012
The tubes arrived in October. They look a little different as ordered. The welding gauge is in work in progress. The lasercut parts are released for cutting. If it takes too long I can take a competitor.
last modified September 3, 2012
Fort in Czech Republic promised me to deliver the fork blades of the main fork on end of this month. So the first series will presumeably be made in october.
There will be 10 Forks with 1" steering column and 15 with 1 1/8". You can sent me an email with a reservation. 20", 26" and 28" versions with IS2000 and/or pivots for cantilever brakes will be available. I don't know how long it takes for the 2nd series. I ordered the fork blades in june.
After I became one of the winners of the Idea competition „Idee : Gründung = Erfolg²“by the projekt REGION BRAUNSCHWEIG I bought an old barn and made the most urgent repairs.
The production line is under construction right now and the production will start soon. The first forks will be made of CrMo-Steel, which is safe an stable. If you want to stay informed just send me a mail. I will send you a short mail when the production starts. If you already know you want to have a lot of forks please let me know now.